Black Canyon 100K

Coming Soon


Synopsis from Facebook: 

14:47. Ran into my friend Jennifer Gustafson a minute before the race started and we ended up running the entire race together. We pulled each other through the rough patches, but overall we ran a strong race from start to finish, passing over 100 runners according to! Considering we ran almost all of the downs and flats and it was a net downhill race, this is the most running I’ve ever done in one day. My legs felt good all day which is insane since I’ve barely run since mid-December. Big believer in cross training now – cycling, elliptical, hiking, yoga, plyometric squats and lunges, Pilates, and even the infamous video Buns of Steel got me through today. Got my Western States qualifier, my first belt buckle, and an intense desire to brush my teeth since I drank a small cup of coke at each aid station. Thanks to Jennifer for helping me get it done, thanks to Stephen for pushing me through those last few miles and crewing me, and thanks to Gary and Pamela for driving us to the start this morning and crewing all day.